SZSPTP ez430-RF2480 1.0

ZigBee Sensor Network with synchronized time and time-stamped measurements.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 adc.cADC10 sensors reading implementation
 adc.hADC10 connected sensors reading interface
 but.cButton implementation
 but.hButton interface
 cc2480ai.cImplementation to use CC2480 application interface commands
 cc2480ai.hCC2480 interface
 clock.cClock implementation
 clock.hClock interface
 im.cInterruption management (enable/disable) implementation
 im.hInterruption management (enable/disable) interface
 led.cLed implementation
 led.hLed interface
 main.cProgram main file
 nwk.cNetwork functions implementation
 nwk.hNetwork functions interface
 ptp.cPTP implementation
 ptp.hPTP interface
 ptp_cfg.hPTP configuration values to compile
 ptp_clock.cPTP clock object for synchronization
 ptp_clock.hPTP clock object for synchronization
 ptp_const.hPTP constants that should not need to be modified
 ptp_datasets.hPTP datasets
 ptp_messages.cPTP messages implementation
 ptp_messages.hPTP messages interface
 ptp_types.hPTP data types specifications
 ptp_util.cPTP functions specific to the implementation
 ptp_util.hPTP functions specific to the implementation
 rep.cReport implementation
 rep.hReport interface
 spi.cSPI implementation
 spi.hSPI interface
 uart.cUART implementation
 uart.hUART interface